Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test Easy Read - 20 Count

Every woman's cycle is unique and most people dont realizethat there are only a few days in a womans cycle when intercoursecan result in conception and only 2 days when it is most likely:the day prior to and the day of ovulation. Thats why women turn toovulation tests for help maximizing their chances forconception. 

The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is an easy-to-use homeovulation test and is over 99% accurate at detecting theluteinizing hormone (LH) surge. The optical reader interprets yourresult and gives you a clear smiley face in the result window whenthe LH surge has been detected identifying your 2 best days to tryfor a baby. 

For women whose cycles vary from month to month it can beespecially challenging to accurately detect the timing of the twomost likely days to get pregnant. This 20 count test kit will giveyou the highest chance of detecting your most fertile days wheneverthey occur.

The Clearblueu00ae Digital Ovulation Two-Month Supply Kit with 20individually wrapped test sticks takes the guesswork out ofgetting pregnant naturally and is most suited to women withirregular cycles. Thereu2019s no calculating when to start testing forovulation u2013 the One-Month Ovulation Kit tells you the exact day tobegin and ensures you have plenty of test sticks so you wonu2019t runout or miss identifying your 2 best days to conceive. Clearblueu2019stest is over 99% accurate and has a clear digital readout of asmiley face that makes knowing when the time is right easy u2013 nowonder itu2019s the brand preferred by 9 out of 10 women.


Take the test any time of day - Assemble the test and hold inyour urine stream for 5-7 seconds.

Wait - The Test ready symbol will start flashing after 20-40seconds to show the test is working.

See your Result - within 3 minutes the Display will show yourresult.

Please buy now with price SGD 89.9 of the retail price SGD 89.9 Here

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