Feeling Unwell?
Overworked? Lack of Sleep?
Fever runny nose coughing and headache are the most common resultof lack of rest.
There are times where we often work harder than we should.
In case of such situations happening we should be prepared forthem.
Introducing Axe Brand Universal Medicated Oil3ml:
Axe Brand UniversalOil made from a unique formula and has been usedthroughout the world for over 80 years. It is pure in color pleasant in odor. It is mild yet suitable for relief of giddiness headache blocked nose and cold stomach-ache insect bites rheumatic pain muscular pain
Apply a few drops to the affectedarea and massage gently. For stuffy nose: Apply 2-3 drops to ahandkerchief or tissue paper and inhale deeply. For relief offlatulence and stomach discomfort: Apply the oil to the navelregion and cover with a hot towel. Repeat the hot towel applicationwhenever necessary.
Blocked nose
Insect bite
Muscular pain
Stomach pain
Cold & Headache
The content of this website isprovided for general informational purposes only and is notintended as nor should it be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use the information on thiswebsite for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition.If you have or suspect you have a medical problem promptly contactyour professional healthcare provider
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